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Actualizado: 23 dic 2020

The Ocean i3 project begins its new 2020-21 edition by innovating with a new collaboration format for its community, the OKTONINE collaborative platform that will allow us to work continuously, cross-sectional and collaboratively

This call is addressed to all agents and collaborators, both new and former collaborators of the project. In the participation of the last year challenges were proposed to the students, with the focus on "ocean pollution by plastics", and the response has been very good from the entire project community.

We invite you to participate this year by proposing challenges that you can publish before January 8, 2021 on the challenge platform by following this link.

The invited entities are of a very diverse nature (both public and private, linked to areas related to the environment, education, health, water quality, communication, digital technologies, etc.) as diverse as the profile of the university students who participate in this project. Hence, all the challenges you propose will be welcome.

We recall that the objective is to form work teams of students from different disciplines that can make contributions to your challenge based on their Final Degree Projects (TFG), Final Master's Degree (TFM), applied projects, or practices. Then, here is the calendar of the WORKSHOPS dates:

Cross-border WORKSHOP: Friday, February 5, 2021

  • Official launch and presentation of the selected challenges. A job with the groups to identify needs and to design a first plan of actions that integrates the contributions of the different disciplines.

Cross-border WORKSHOP: Friday April 16, 2021

  • Monitoring of progress of the job / CONTRAST of the challenges with the student team.

Cross-border WORKSHOP (Closing): Friday June 25, 2021

  • Presentation of the final results.

Your participation is very important, we hope to count on you this year to continue consolidating our community and collaborations. We are at your disposal by mail ( and scheduling a video call if necessary. Do not hesitate to request our support to define your challenge.



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Proyecto cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)

Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen de Développement Régional (FEDER)
Eskualde Garapenerako Europako Funtsak (EGEF) kofinantziatutako

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