Rocío Redondo participated in the 18/19 edition of the Ocean i3 project, doing her End of Degree Project entitled "Garbage: Plastics and Microplastics in the Sea".
The student of the Criminology Degree of the UPV/EHU focused her work on green criminology, which studies environmental crimes and damages. The main objective of her work was to analyse different agents that investigate and control crime and environmental damage in the area of the Basque Country, as well as the problem of plastics and microplastics in the sea.
In order to carry out his work, he used a qualitative methodology, interviewing different police forces in the area.
In this video Rocío tells us more about her experience in Ocean i3:
This poster made by Rocio is a summary that gathers very well all the work she did, where she also exposes the results and conclusions she obtained.
