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Tom´s experience in Ocean i3

My name is Tom Renz. I am just about to finish my Bachelor “Global Project and Change Management” at Windesheim Honours College in Zwolle, the Netherlands. This semester, I wrote my Bachelor thesis.

Since my college is a university of applied science, I wrote my thesis for a company, but in my case I chose Ocean i3 as a developing project.

Ocean i3 asked me to research on practices which can be applied to facilitate students’ skill development. In specific, I researched on methods to develop the skills "Ability to analyze, understand and solve complex problems", "Creativity: modeling problem solving from divergent angles", "Integration of SDG values" and "Development of the systematic and integrating vision of the problems”. In total, I identified 21 practices that can be applied by Ocean i3 to facilitate the students´ development of the four skills in the next semester.

In the first two months of this semester, I lived in San Sebastian. There, I met the Ocean i3 community and participated at one of the workshops. Since I do not speak French or proper Spanish, I appreciated the effort of lecturers and students to translate everything into English. Unfortunately, due to the Corona situation, I had to move back to my parents’ place in Germany, where I also finished my research.

I am thankful for the opportunity to write my bachelor thesis for Ocean i3 and especially for Ainhoa Garayar´s support (professor at School of Economics and Business of UPV/EHU )! ☺ I hope I could conduct a valuable research for Ocean i3 and indirectly contribute to the reduction of microplastic in the beautiful Basque region!



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Proyecto cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)

Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen de Développement Régional (FEDER)
Eskualde Garapenerako Europako Funtsak (EGEF) kofinantziatutako

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