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What are we working on?

Actualizado: 29 ene 2021

During the virtual workshop of April 3, 2020, in each one of the groups that work on challenges, each participant raised what they are working on and also set a work plan to define the final result to be presented in June 2020.

On May 15, 2020, each team met again with the social agents who raised the challenges to present and jointly contrast advances contributions of interest.

Among the Ocean i3 2019/2020 teams, we find team #1 (Djamadar Saindou and Uxue Velez, students in Biology) who worked on the challenge “Make Water Clean Again” with the social agent RIVAGES PRO TECH (Nouvelle-Aquitaine).

As for team #2, they worked on the challenges “From knowledge to action” and “Recycling vs. Upcycling”, working hand in hand with agents MATER MUSEOA and NANTEK (Euskadi). Here, Final Degree Projects (TFG) were carried out with a common theoretical framework, whose axis involved marine pollution caused by plastics (and microplastics) and it was in the practical part where their work adopted different approaches: the challenge “From knowledge into action” - MATER MUSEOA (worked by Ander Jiménez [Communication], Ainhize Ibarretxe [Commerce], Onintza Zarzuelo [Commerce], Amaia Garmendia [Law] and Tom Renz [Commerce]), and the challenge "Recycling vs Upcycling” - NANTEK (worked by Irati Lazpiur [Commerce], Andrea Erice [Criminology], Miren Pereda [Law], Ane Berasain [French Philology] and Lorea Diez [Communication]).

Team #3 carried out the challenges “Stop aux microplastiques / sensibilisation et connaissance / impact” and “Sensibilisation des scolaires aux Blue / green skills” together with the social agents CAPB and UNSS (Nouvelle-Aquitaine). Floriane Le Bihanic (EPOC) and Charlotte Lefebvre (EPOC) worked on the first challenge, while Laly Teixeira (student of Master 2 MI2PAS UB) was in charge of carrying the second challenge out. Irune Arana (student of Communication UPV EHU) and Sylvia Fernandez (student of french philology UPV EHU) were contributing in a transversal way.

Finally, we met with the team #4 who worked on the challenge "We are all SURFRIDER" with SURFRIDER Foundation and from different disciplines: Maite Tolosa and Patxi Belinchon Martin (Pedagogy), Naroa ITOIZ (Criminology), and Orreaga Del Río Ilincheta and Mikel Aguerre Iparragirre (French Philology).



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Proyecto cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)

Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen de Développement Régional (FEDER)
Eskualde Garapenerako Europako Funtsak (EGEF) kofinantziatutako

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